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These days we produce an enormous amount of data. According to Wil van der Aalst, Professor of Information Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology, we produce as much data in ten minutes as we did in the period from prehistory to 2003. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Various techniques make it easier to collect data, but this also makes it harder to find valuable information from this gigantic data set. Does this happen in your company too? Then you could probably use a Data Scientist.

The benefits of Data Science within your company

Data Science is extracting the right, relevant information from a large amount of data. Analyzing data requires expertise. Data Scientists have knowledge of business, statistics and generally have programming experience. The models used in data analysis are complex, but the practical applications are concrete. The analyses created by a Data Scientist help companies operate more efficiently and learn more about customers.

Other practical applications of business analytics/Data Science include:

  • More efficient processes within the company
  • Better allocation of budgets
  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Better content

The word Data Science

The term Data Science is actually quite a broad term as well. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Deep learning and so on all mean something different. Nevertheless, they are often grouped together under the term Data Science. Despite the fact that data is the basis for all concepts, they use different forms of data analysis. So think beforehand about what you need help with when looking for a Data Scientist.

How to find the best Data Science work student in the Eindhoven area?

EuFlex Technificent can help you with this. We are the bridge between TU/e students and the business world. Specific courses at Eindhoven University of Technology focus on Data Science. With a large network, we will almost always find the right candidate. Indicate what you are looking for and we will select the most appropriate students. Then all you have to do is choose and the student can start working immediately.

Wondering what exactly a work/side job student entails? Then read this blog.

What salary does a Data Science work student receive?

EuFlex follows the NBBU temping collective agreement and is obliged to apply the ‘inlenersbeloning’ (hirer’s remuneration). The student is scaled according to your collective agreement or remuneration scheme. If there is no collective agreement, we usually apply the salary of a student assistant. According to Glassdoor, the average hourly wage of a work student is €13. This give you some indication of what you can offer a work student in terms of salary.

Post your vacancy at EuFlex Technificent

Contact EuFlex Technificent today, and we will do our best to post the job online as soon as possible. The job will be visible to our entire network of over 3000 students. We find the right candidate, and you get to select them! Vacancies are often filled within a short period of time.

Want to make vacancies more attractive to students?

That is possible! We wrote a blog about it. Read it here!

You and Euflex.
A match made in Brainport

If you have a specific question you are always welcome to contact us.

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