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How to post an internal student vacancy

We can post all TU/e vacancies for student assistants and/or work students on our online student platform “EuFlex Technificent”.

Placing and advertising a vacancy on our platform is completely free of cost for the TU/e!

Do you have a student vacancy at a faculty?
Please send your vacancy text or question to one of the e-mail addresses below or contact Lora Simic from Euflex via to request your faculty’s instruction manual. She will also give you further instructions on how to post your (first) vacancy on our Technificent platform.

Chemical Engineering &
Applied Physics & Science
Industrial Engineering & Innovation
Mathematics & Computer

Do you have a student vacancy at a TU/e service other than a faculty?
Other TU/e services can send their vacancy texts to Myrna de Win via
By presenting your information correctly you increase the chances of finding a good match.

The job advertisement text should contain the following:

– A description of the task(s) / responsibilities
– What kind of person are you looking for? (profile, skills, language proficiency)
– The preferred start date
– How many students do you need?
– A description of the organization / department / project
– Amount of work hours a week or total amount of work hours? Are there fixed days the student needs to be present?
– Details of a contact person to send the applications to (e-mail address)
– Salary indication*

The difference between a student assistant and a work student is that a work student works on call and a student assistant has fixed, predetermined hours.

When students respond it is important for our Contract & Payroll Services department to know whether these students already have a contract with Euflex, and if a work permit is needed.

A student has to be registered via the purchase portal of the TU/e. It’s not possible to do the placement request with Euflex directly.
Don’t have a log in? Please contact the purchase department of the TU/e. (we can’t help you with that)

When a student is new he / she will receive an e-mail from us with a request to register. After that we can generate the contract.

Please, keep in mind that non-EU students require a work permit when hired. The request for a work permit has to be done by us at the UWV and usually takes between 2 – 6 weeks. Without a work permit the student is NOT allowed to work.

If a student works for you without a work permit, his / her residence permit is at risk and you risk a very high fine!

* Please find below the table with Euflex’s options, wages and rates from 01-07-2024.

Application type

Hourly student wage excl. supplements

Client rates per hour

Student-assistant 2nd year 60-119 ECTS

€ 16,49

€ 31,28

Student-assistant 3rd year 120-179 ECTS

€ 16,49

€ 31,28

Student-assistant 4th year 180+ ECTS

€ 17,92

€ 34,00

Work student

€ 16,49

€ 32,56

Work student (not standard; 4th year)


€ 17,92


€ 35,39

Myrna de Win

Any questions about placing a student vacancy? I will be happy to help you!

040 247 6077