Post a vacancy
Quickly start your first vacancies on the EuFlex Technificent platform.
Quickly start your first vacancies on the EuFlex Technificent platform.
Are you looking for a new employee? Then post your vacancy with EuFlex Technificent and gain access to our database of 7,000+ TU/e students.
If you would first like to learn more about our services, read more here.
Is something unclear or do you prefer discussing your job listing directly? Feel free to contact us.
Only files in format .pdf and .docx are permitted.
On this page you can post a vacancy. You do this by uploading your recruitment text and filling in the remaining fields. After submission, one of our colleagues will contact you to finalize your job posting.
In the meantime, make sure you have some basic information ready about your company and the position the employee will occupy. Does your company have a CAO? What will the employee’s job description and position be? Questions like these should be answered during contact with our office. For more tips on writing a good work-study job posting check out our blog about it here.