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FAQ: Frequently asked questions

All the answers to the frequently asked questions

What is the difference between EuFLex and EuFlex Technificent?

EuFlex Technificent is a label of EuFlex, a subsidiary of TU/e. The focus of Technificent is to bridge the gap between TU/e students and the industry through temporary jobs or jobs on project basis. We know how to match the best technical students with the business world. EuFlex on the other hand focuses on fulfilling the internal vacancies of the TU/e.

Where is EuFlex located?

EuFlex is located in the heart of the TU/e campus. The address is De Lampendriessen 31. 1st floor, room 1.140.

How do I get in touch with EuFlex?

To contact EuFlex call: 040 –  247 8080. To contact EuFlex Technificent call: 040 – 247 8080. Filling in the contact form is also a possibility.

What is EuFlex Technificent?

EuFlex Technificent is part of EuFlex, a 100% subsidiary of TU/e. EuFlex Technificent aims to link students and companies by means of student side jobs, starter positions and Employer Branding. We are the ideal partner for recruiting technical personnel. With our many years of experience in connecting companies and technical students, we offer services to help companies and technical students find the best match.

What is EuFlex Technificent’s focus?

EuFlex Technificent focuses on fulfilling the gap between TU/e talents and the business world with temporary jobs or jobs on a project basis. With our office in the heart of the campus, we know how to match the best TU/e talents with business life, but also the other way around, we know how to find the right match for the companies. EuFlex Technificent offers three different services:

  • Student jobs: This service is for students looking for a part-time job and for companies looking for a (work) student.
  • Reverse Matching: With Reverse Matching we match recently graduated students with companies.
  • Employer Branding: With this service we offer the possibility to increase your visibility as a company on the TU/e campus.

What kind of vacancies are online at EuFlex and EuFlex Technificent?

For EuFlex these vacancies are internal vacancies within the TU/e, think about student assistants, professors and faculty directors. For EuFlex Technificent it is very varied, but in general you can think of engineering side jobs, software development side jobs, construction consultant side jobs and consulting side jobs. EuFlex Technificent distinguishes in the fields of Technical, ICT, Educational support and science. You can find all vacancies on the platform.

Why choose EuFlex Technificent?

EuFlex Technificent helps your company to stay ahead of the scarcity in the technical labor market. We do this by bringing you and your company in direct contact with talented technical students, who would love to work on your next project! To find the perfect match, we recruit students from our own community, consisting of more than 3000 TU/e students. You decide which applicants you want to hire and we take care of the contract and payroll administration.

In which region is EuFlex Technificent active?

Since students have to be on campus regularly, we experienced that side jobs in the Brainport region, Noord-brabant and Limburg are the most obvious. For recruiting alumni the region is wider.

How can I register myself?

As a student you can register for the platform here. Are you an employer? Please contact: 040-2478080, we are happy to help you!

Questions as employer

What does a student have to offer?

A student not only takes care of filling temporary vacancies, but also increases your brand awareness among TU/e students. A work student today, is a ready-to-use employee of tomorrow. Since TU/e students are used to working in multidisciplinary teams, we see that companies often hire a student to gain new insights. A new, young, fresh perspective not only offers opportunities to think outside of the box, but also gives access to the latest knowledge.

What is the difference between EuFlex Technificent and a regular employment agency?

EuFlex Technificent focuses on matching technical TU/e students with both technical and less technical companies. EuFlex Technificent is characterized by three unique features:

  • EuFlex Technificent is a 100% subsidiary of TU/e, one of the best technical universities in the Netherlands. In this way, it’s an investment in science as well! This is because profits completely flow back to research and education.
  • EuFlex is located in the middle of the campus, therefore, we are in direct contact with the students.
  • Our network is exclusively for technical students, you can easily find your technical employees.

What are the costs for you as a company?

The cost for you as a company depends per service. For student jobs and Reverse Matching, we work on a No cure, No pay basis. You only start paying when a suitable technical student starts working for you. You will pay a factor over the gross hourly wage.

Due to the “inlenersbeloning-principe’’ (hirer’s remuneration principle) that we are obliged to follow, we will always classify the student according to your collective labor agreement or if there is no classification, the student will be classified according to the TU/e regulation for student assistants.For Employer Branding we have fixed prices. For these prices and more information you can read the following brochure.

Flexibility is one of our top priorities, we are happy to think along with your situation. Feel free to call for the possibilities: 040 – 247 8080

How can I register as an employer?

As an employer, you can contact us without obligation: 040 – 247 8080. We will be happy to inform you about the possibilities!

How is the salary determined?

Due to the ‘’inlenersbeloning-principe’’ that we are obliged to follow, we will always classify the student according to your collective labor agreement. If your organization does not make use of a collective labor agreement, the student will be classified according to TU/e regulation for student assistants.

Can I select the students by myself?

We believe that you know best which student suits your company. Therefore, we will search for you, and you select!

How many students can I contact?

It is possible to contact all students that applied for your vacancy.

What type of students does EuFlex Technificent offer?

We exclusively work with TU/e students. Since we are 100% part of the TU/e, we work with students from all faculties, Bachelor, Master and PhD. All our students have a technical education, but they also regularly end up in less technical jobs. It’s ideal to have someone in the team who can look at things from a different angle. Here you can find more information about the different TU/e courses.

How many hours per week can the students be deployed?

Since we and our employers encourage our students to excel in both their studies and side jobs, placements for 8-16 hours a week are common. In some cases this may be more, depending on the student’s personal study schedule.

Does EuFlex Technificent also mediate in graduation assignments and internships?

No, we don’t do this. Although this is possible with the service Employer Branding, the company is able to post these type of vacancies. With Employer Branding it is possible to promote your internships and graduation assignments!

What is the advantage of hiring a student?

TU/e students are used to work in multidisciplinary teams. Since they are new to the company, they can provide new, fresh and innovative insights. This can help to break through existing patterns and to have a new look at the current processes. In general, students are very flexible and highly motivated. In addition, a student is also extremely suitable for a temporary project.

Employer Branding during corona, how does that work out?

It is important to continue to promote your company during Covid-19. Now that things are more difficult on campus, the focus is more online. Through our platform this is possible with weekly newsletters and digital events. Your company is closer than ever, reach your future employees, right now!

Can I also hire students temporarily?

Yes, this is possible! You can simply post a temporary project vacancy!

Is it possible to find a student last minute?

EuFlex Technificent can also help for temporary last minute projects. In general, we use 3-5 working days between posting the vacancy and completing the process. Call 040 – 247 8080 and we will immediately see what we can do for you.

Who does the project management during an assignment?

EuFlex helps companies find suitable (technical) personnel. In addition, we also offer options for seconded candidates. The additional project management is in your hands.

How do I ensure innovation within my company?

Breaking fixed thinking patterns or making procedures more efficient, every employer will face these challenges from time to time. Often an expensive company is hired for this. Can it be done differently? Hell yes! Sometimes a fresh, new look at things can help. EuFlex Technificent can assist with finding a suitable work student. TU/e students are used to a multidisciplinary work environment and can help with new insights.

Questions as a student

Are there any costs associated with subscribing to EuFlex Technificent?

No, as a student subscribing is free of charge and this will remain the case throughout the whole process, even if you found a job!

What happens with my personal data?

What happens with your personal data is described in our privacy statement.

How can I unsubscribe for EuFlex?

Go to your personal account, here you can delete your account. (Settings → Account settings → Delete my account)

Where can I find the vacancies?

Vacancies for Student Jobs and Starters positions are available on the platform. Internal vacancies from the TU/e are available here. 

How much money will I earn?

The salary depends on the applicable collective labor agreement of the employer. If the employer does not make use of a collective labor agreement, we advise employers to use the TU/e salaries for student assistants. In most cases, the gross hourly wage is stated in the vacancy. If this is not the case, don’t hesitate and contact us!

How does the application process work?

When you apply for a job, we make an initial selection for the employer. This first selection is presented to the employer and if they select you, you follow the application process set up by the employer. Usually these are 1 to 3 interviews with the employer. Mostly, 1 for side jobs and 3 for a starter job. In some cases an assessment or technical test is part of the selection. This depends on the wishes of the employer. After (successfully) completing the application process, the client decides which student/candidate will be hired.

Are there possibilities for jobs during holidays at EuFlex Technificent?

Yes, EuFlex Technificent also has temporary side jobs available on a regular basis. This can be perfect if you are looking for a relevant side job during the holidays.

How much can you earn as a student?

If you fall within the new student finance system (from 2015), you can earn as much as you want. If you fall under the old student finance (before 2015), there is a limit on how much you can earn. If you earn above the limit, you need to pay back your scholarship. The limit of what you can earn differs from year to year. Look at the webpage of DUO how much this exactly is.

For internationals it is different. They can work a maximum of 16 hours a week or full time during the summer holiday, a combination of both is not possible. NON-EU students always need a work permit, which needs to be requested. We can do this for you, but please be aware that this can take up to 4 to 6 weeks. You can find more information about the work permit here.

Does EuFlex Technificent also have internships and graduation assignments?

No, EuFlex Technificent only mediates in vacancies for side jobs, traineeships or starter jobs. Although our partnerships do have the possibility to post internships and graduation assignments on the platform; you will be able to see these.

Will I receive a notification if there are new vacancies online?

This is not installed automatically. You can install this by adjusting your personal account settings. For this, you first need to have registered on the platform.

Do I have to meet all vacancy requirements?

No, the requirements are only indications. You can always apply for every function, but please be fair about your skills and experiences to yourself and the company.

Does EuFlex Technificent have starters positions for alumni?

Yes, this is one of the services we offer: Reverse Matching. We will bring you in contact with (technical) companies which match your interests and skills. Through our big network, we have insight into many vacancies.

Can I continue to work at the company after my studies?

Yes, this is one of our main goals! Of course, it depends on your project (temporarily or not) and the employer.

Is it possible to work via EuFlex as an international student?

Yes, this is possible, however, you have to take into account that there are specific requirements. If you are a non-EU student, you need a work permit and there are restrictions for the amount of hours you can work. You can find more information here.

How can I get relevance work experience?

You get relevant work experience by, for example, taking a side job during your studies that matches your ambitions and study. EuFlex Technificent is happy to help you with this, we believe that finding a relevant side job really benefits you later in your career! In this way you not only earn money to pay your study costs, but you also gain valuable experience and you can experience the work field. By registering on our platform, you can view all vacancies that are currently open.

Where can I go for questions about the AFAS pocket app?

For questions about the AFAS pocket app, you can look at this webpage. Here you can find an extensive instruction manual about the AFAS pocket app.