Euflex (Eindhoven University Flexibility) has been playing a crucial part in the development of the technical sector: as a matchmaker between the suppliers of and demand for technical top talent.
As a wholly owned TU/e subsidiary, located in the heart of the campus, Euflex has an extensive network of talented students, experienced professionals, start-ups and well-established companies. Inside the TU/e as well as far beyond.
Are you an employer who is looking for a motivated student for a student job? Or are you looking for a qualified technical professional who can boost your company’s drive for innovation? We can find the perfect match for you.
Are you as a professional open to a challenge at one of the frontrunners in your area of expertise? Find our many student and starter vacancies here.
What others say about us:

Let Euflex be your matchmaker
Euflex acts as an agent for permanent and temporary contracts within the TU/e organization and for technical (student) jobs at companies and organizations in the Brainport region.
You and Euflex. A match made in Brainport
If you have a specific question you are always welcome to contact us.