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Take Alireza: curiosity practically oozes from her. And that’s what we’re looking for.

Martijn Stuart   Director Infield ICT

Read the full story

Customer experience: Finding technical staff easily & quickly

Customer experience: Students working at SmartQare

Customer experience: Students working at HyTEPS

Martijn Stuart, director Infield ICT:

The Strategic Deployment of TU/e Students

Infield ICT is a specialized provider of ICT infrastructures for businesses and organizations with complex processes, such as healthcare institutions, pharmaceuticals, and financial sector companies. It’s not an easy market, and finding the right advisors for Infield ICT is no small feat.

“As an employer in this field, you have to approach things very differently. Simply posting a job vacancy doesn’t yield results. In our recruitment efforts, we focus on young, up-and-coming talent. Talent that you can train internally or talent that already brings added value from the start. However, talent isn’t discovered easily. As an employer, you also need to invest in it. But the return on investment for your HRM is far greater than just advertising.”

Through EuFlex Technificent, student Alireza got in touch with Infield ICT. They immediately hit it off. Since Alireza is still a student, he started working as a Security Consultant for 2 days a week.

Martijn sees it as his mission to place the right talents in the right positions at Infield ICT. “We are looking for students like Alireza: curiosity and service exude from them!”

Start your mission

We must be visible to the right students of today. Otherwise, we will miss the boat.

Martijn Stuart

Director Infield ICT


Advantages of student employees via EuFlex Technificent

  • Flexible employees
  • Pay per hour
  • Connect pro-active TU/e students to your company
  • No administration hassle
  • TU/e students are used to working in multidisciplinary teams
  • Gain new insights, techniques and knowledge via student employees
  • No cure, no pay

Types of students

Ivar at Thermo Fischer

Computer Scientist

Menno & Annabelle at SmartQare

Medical Engineer & Industrial Designer

Jules at Anteverta

Electrical Engineer

CV of different types of students and their skills

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How does it work?

In consultation with you, we map out which student best suits your assignment and your organization. In this way, we tailor our recruitment process entirely to your needs. EuFlex Technificent delivers custom work!

Our students work for a wide range of companies, both technical and non-technical.

TU/e students are also placed in side jobs where, at first glance, a technical background may seem less necessary. In practice, the ‘fresh view’ of a TU/e student sometimes leads to both the student and the company wanting to work together. Of course in a position that suits the education of the student and helps the company further in a ‘technical’ sense.

What work are students suitable for?

Because the students are widely deployed at different (technical) companies, the vacancies are very varied. Think of filling (temporary) vacancies, assisting within project teams or performing technical (laboratory) work. But also Market Research, IT & Web Development, Data & Process analyses and (Graphic) Design are common student activities.

TU/e students are used to working in multidisciplinary project teams. We increasingly see clients outsourcing full or partial projects to students. EuFlex Technifcent also offers you the opportunity to put together your own multidisciplinary team. After all, new, young fresh eyes not only offer you the chance to think out of the box, but also give you access to new insight, knowledge and techniques.

Skills of TU/e students

  • Programming (front & back-end)
  • Full-stack Engineering
  • Machine Learning, AI
  • (3D) Modelling
  • Network Analysis
  • Design (UX, Graphic, Circuits …)
  • (Statistical) Research
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Process Optimization
  • Soldering
  • Data Engineering
  • Innovation
  • (Auto)CAD / Revit
  • Support Engineering
  • An infinite list of more skills that TU/e students can offer you

What is the cost of a working student?

The cost to you as a company depends on each service. For Student Jobs and Reverse Matching, we work on a no cure, no pay basis. This means that you only pay once a suitable technical student starts working for you. You will then pay a factor over the gross hourly wage.

We follow the NBBU Collective Labor Agreement and are obliged to apply the hirer’s remuneration. We must grade the student according to your collective agreement or remuneration scheme. If your organization does not use a collective labor agreement or there is no grading scheme for (working) students, the student will be graded according to the TU/e regulation for student assistants.

We have fixed prices for the Employer Branding service.

Want to read more about our services and prices? Then read our information brochure! Flexibility is our priority, we like to think with you what suits your situation!

Get in touch

A former TU/e student, who once started with us as a platform employee, is now a business analyst at our headquarters.

Susan  Recruiter platform employees at Viggo

What is the difference between EuFlex Technificent and a regular employment agency?

EuFlex Technificent focuses on placing TU/e technical students at both technical and less technical companies. EuFlex Technificent is distinguished by:

EuFlex Technificent is a 100% subsidiary of TU/e, one of the best technical universities in the Netherlands. An assignment through EuFlex Technificent is therefore also an investment in science! All profits are returned to the TU/e for research and education.
Because EuFlex is located in the middle of the campus, we are in direct contact with the students.
The EuFlex Technificent network is exclusively for technical students; you can easily find your technical staff!

How can I apply?

As an employer, you can contact us without obligation: 040 – 247 8080. We will be happy to inform you about the possibilities! You can also fill out the contact form and we will contact you!

Can I select the students myself and how many students can I approach?

At EuFlex Technificent, we believe that you know better than anyone else which candidate is the best fit for you. That is why we take the search process out of your hands without limiting your freedom of choice. We search, you select.

It is possible to get in touch with any student who responds to your advertisement.

How many hours per week are students employable?

Since we, like our clients, encourage our students to excel in both their studies and side jobs, placements for 8-16 hours are common. Occasionally this may be more, depending on the student’s personal study schedule.

You and EuFlex.
A match made in Brainport

Would you like to receive more info? Or would you like to post a student vacancy? Please contact us and we will be happy to show you the posibilities.

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Melissa Scholte

Let me help you grow your business!

T: 040 247 7371

Curious about our other services?

Employer Branding:

Promote my company

Reverse Matching

Find graduates

Overview of our services

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