Info for students
Are you looking for an interesting student side job? Or are you looking for useful information about working as a student?
Are you looking for an interesting student side job? Or are you looking for useful information about working as a student?
Flexible work
Earn extra money
gain relevant work experience
networking opportunities
Work permit
Health insurance
Multiple jobs
Still have a work permit?
Wage tax deduction
Many side jobs offer flexible working hours, making it easy to combine with your studies. Employers understand that your studies are a priority and are often willing to take your schedule into account. This means you still have plenty of time for lectures, project groups and self-study.
A side job gives you the opportunity to gain practical work experience alongside your studies. This can be invaluable for your future career. Not only can you develop relevant skills and knowledge, but it also gives you the chance to discover what direction you want to take after graduation. Employers value students who have already gained experience in the field during their studies.
One of the main benefits of having a side job as a student is increasing your financial independence. A side job allows you to earn your own money independently to help pay for your college and other expenses. This can make you less dependent on parents or student loans, giving you more freedom to make choices.
Eindhoven is a city full of innovation and technology, with numerous companies and organizations that work closely with the TU/e. Taking a side job in Eindhoven will not only increase your chances of getting a job after graduation, but will also give you the opportunity to make valuable contacts within your field. These networking opportunities can lead to interesting internships, graduation projects and even future career opportunities
Want to work at well-known employers? Here below all the companies that students have worked for before.
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